
Undergraduate Research opportunities in our lab and at UCLA

Undergraduate Research Center - Life Sciences. Here you can find information on getting started, important due dates, programs and scholarships. You can also find active postings on the Undergraduate Research Portal.

Work study at UCLA. There are also non-work study opportunities on this page.

Additional Research Program opportunities at UCLA.

You can still officially submit your interest in working with my lab through this Google form. When undergraduate positions open in my lab, I will share these directly with you using the contact you listed in the form.

In order to mitigate some of the barriers and inequities that exist in science, please note that our lab does not accept volunteers. Please visit the above resources for compensated work opportunities in our lab and others.

Preparing for Graduate School in the U.S.

Científico Latino STEM Graduate School Application Quick Start Guide

Applying to United States Graduate Programs as an International Student

Pre-PhD Summer Research Programs database

Post-Baccalaureate (“Post-bacc”) programs database

UCLA Fellowships, Scholarships & Grants for Entering Graduate Students

Graduate Student Fellowships database (compiled by Johns Hopkins University)

Graduate Student Fellowships database (compiled by Científico Latino)

Resources for academic postdoctoral training

Sabbagh, U. (2021) How to find, apply for, and choose a postdoc

Gonzales, D. (2023) How do you apply for a postdoc?

UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP - including UCLA-specific fellowships) - applications close ~November 1 each year

Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (note: must first apply to PPFP)

California Alliance (AGEP) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Resources for Prospective UCLA Postdoctoral Scholars

Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA) Program at UCLA: competitive program that supports postdoctoral scholars in the biological sciences who have a demonstrated interest in teaching, research, mentoring, and inclusive excellence in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields

Postdoctoral Fellowships database (compiled by Johns Hopkins University)

Resources for postdoc-faculty transition/early career faculty

Leading Edge Symposium, for women & non-binary postdoctoral researchers (all stages) in biomedical sciences interested in academic track

Intersections Science Fellows Symposium, for advanced-stage postdocs from diverse backgrounds in biomedical sciences

Early Career Funding Opportunities, late postdoctoral/early faculty (compiled by Johns Hopkins University)

Kong J* & Tornini VA* (2023). Navigating the U.S. Job Search.

Other resources written by Leading Edge community members on navigating the postdoc-faculty transition

Resources for sustainable lab practices and culture

My Green Lab

UCLA Green Labs certification (including UC Policy on Sustainable Practices)

Gestri G & Suppermpool A (2024). Earning your Green stripes: enhancing sustainability in zebrafish research. Posted on The Node

Resources that shape how we are developing our lab’s HSI “servingness” model

Freire, P. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 1968. Trans. Myra Bergman Ramos. New York: Herder, 1972

hooks, b. Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom. 1994. New York NY: Routledge.

Garcia GA. Transforming Hispanic-Serving Institutions for Equity and Justice. 2023. Baltimore MD: Johns Hopkins University Press

Montgomery BA. Lessons from Plants. 2021. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

Garcia GA, Núñez AM & Sansone VA (2019). Toward a Multidimensional Conceptual Framework for Understanding “Servingness” in Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A Synthesis of the Research. Review of Educational Research, 89(5), 745-784.

Gomez, Cobian & Hurtado (2018). Improving STEM Degree Attainment Rates: Lessons from Hispanic Serving Institutions. American Educational Research Association (AERA). New York, NY

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2023). Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations: Beyond Broadening Participation. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Antentor AO et al. (2020). Mentoring minority trainees: Minorities in academia face specific challenges that mentors should address to instill confidence. EMBO Reports 21:e51269

Antentor AO, Termini CM, Spencer EC et al. (2020). Patching the Leaks: Revitalizing and Reimagining the STEM Pipeline. Cell 183, P568-575

Gibbs KD Jr (2014). Beyond “the pipeline”: reframing science’s diversity challenge. Scientific American Blogs

Márquez MC & Porras AM. Science Communication in Multiple Languages Is Critical to Its Effectiveness. Front. Commun. 5, 31 (1-7)

Cadena MA, Amaya C, Duan D et al. (2023). Insights and strategies for improving equity in graduate school admissions. Cell 186 (17), P3529-3547.

Científico Latino: Changing the Next Generation of STEM

Responses to 10 Common Criticisms of Anti-Racism Action in STEM

Bhalla N. Equity Reading List (including Strategies to Improve Equity, Resources for Culturally Competent Mentoring, and Bias/Disparities in Education, Training and/or Professional Advancement; in Publication and Peer review; in Grant Peer Review and Funding; in Teaching Evaluations; and in Service)

Resources about Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI)

U.S. Department of Education (DOE) info about HSIs

U.S. DOE Office of Post-Secondary Education, Hispanic-Serving Institutions Division

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities

Excelencia in Education

Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institution Educators (AHSIE)

American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE)

Affordable Colleges Online - Scholarships for Hispanic Students

¿Qué pasa, HSIs? podcast with Dr. Gina Ann Garcia

Additional networks and resources

Black In Neuro

Black in Genetics

Black in AI

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minoritized Scientists (ABRCMS)

500 Queer Scientists

500 Women Scientists

ALBA Network: Towards diversity and equity in brain sciences

Disabled in STEM

Thank you for this suggestion by the STEM Club for Girls from Fullers Library via Skye Olley! (Not an endorsement): Scholarships for Women in STEM